Rest In Power Notorious RBG
Since last Friday, the whole world has been talking about the extremely hard felt passing of legendary Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the political implications of this tragic event, alongside her historical achievements and unprecedented women’s rights wins. I won’t attempt to even scratch the surface of her monumental life-long career, but I recommend the Notorious RBG documentary as a great step towards finding out more about her.
Photos source: Harper’s Bazaar
She has made history in countless ways, but something that probably doesn’t come to mind immediately is the collars she has worn. For me, the attention she paid to this apparently insignificant detail ads a touch of softness to the legend and makes her all the more remarkable, while still being somewhat relatable.
You can purchase similar collars to some of hers and I think they make for a brilliant accessory which will definitely be a conversation starter or at least will give a great first impression to the right people.
The Golden Age of the Balcony

Photos Sources: Balconies in Beirut, in China and in Spain
This article about the Golden Age of the Balcony was one of those unexpectedly but extremely interesting reads. The author rightfully notes As architectural features, balconies have an unusually rich cultural history and I learned, among other facts, that the famous ‘balcony scene’ in Romeo and Juliet is actually more or less a fabrication since the concept of the balcony was unheard of in Shakespeare’s time and he merely mentions a window in the actual play (which just shows I need to re-read it, it’s been some fifteen years).
If like me, you now want to read more about balconies, this article in The New York Times from 1979 is worth checking, as is this recent BBC one inspired by the current pandemic. The contrast in context makes the (hi)story of balconies that much more interesting.
Geoffrey Preston Fine Plasterwork
Photo Source: Geoffrey Preston
I count on Instagram and Pinterest these days for most of my new visual exquisite finds and the account of the sculptor Geoffrey Preston and his fine decorative plasterwork is one of the recent gems I’ve uncovered. I love ornamental details with a purely aesthetic purpose and I think in most cases that’s the case for plasterwork and the many different forms of this craft which dates back 4000 years ago! Platerwork details in interiors have an air of timeless elegance to me and with artists like Geoffrey Preston working mostly on private commissions, I can’t even begin to imagine all the amazing things that can come out of working with him for a special detail in one’s home. Magic!
Mood Diary

I started a mood diary (or mood journal) recently not even realising this is ‘a thing’, as the saying goes. I have been meaning to keep a sort of record for some time, to understand better and potentially influence what could be driving my best, as well as my worst days, thinking here of tiredness, patience, productiveness, excitement etc. I did not think of the name – mood diary – from the beginning, it would have made my life easier as I was looking for a notebook for this purpose. I ended up using a Moleskine 12-Month Daily Planer from 2015 I already had, but there are in fact journals designed for this specific purpose.
There are also many available resources from organisations promoting mental health and wellbeing, which go into more detail for the purpose of treatment and therapy I believe. Realising that this is a tool used in a professional manner for mental health patients, I am more even more convinced a (simpler) record could prove beneficial to anyone and I am determined to keep it up. After all, what can be more exquisite than striving for the best version of ourselves?
Real-Life Exquisite Find – Decorative Tablecloth Weights

There is a certain type of object that always makes for a true exquisite find, as well as a lovely gift if needed – the type you can absolutely live without, maybe you didn’t even know it existed, but it makes life easier, prettier and a bit more fun!
Tablecloth weights for me fit that description perfectly. A fine small detail that can make a big difference in any time spent at an outdoor table. I found a lovely but properly heavy brand new set for just £1 over the weekend, but there are a lot of other decorative options available, to match any style or theme.
Birds Sing Jazz when Happy
Photo Sources: Britannica
Now, this is a title to make me curious and excited to read the full article, and it turns out there is actual science behind it. One of the best kinds of exquisite finds! Biologists believe that birds don’t sing purely to mark out territory or find a mate. They also do it because they enjoy it — and when they enjoy it most of all it sounds like free-form jazz. It brings me joy to think that something birds offer us unconditionally and we enjoy so much, is also a source of pleasure and a sign of happiness for them. I think I will appreciate it all the more from now on knowing it’s a shared feeling!
Edible Flowers

Photos source: Loria Stern on Instagram
Apart from being beautiful, deliciously scented and scientifically proven to improve our mental well-being and general wellness, some flowers are also edible, adding colour, flavour and texture to savoury and sweet dishes, as well as cordials and butters, as the Royal Horticultural Society eloquently puts it.
I’m not big on cooking or baking myself, but I love to see the beautiful creations of Loria Stern on Instagram. From cookies and crackers to focciacias and cakes, she has a way of using flowers, as well as cleverly cut vegetables, which results in some sort of edible paintings, to honest.
Plus, I always learn something from her posts. Recently she shared that figs are ‘actually’ flowers, according to botanic classification, as explained in a New Yorker article. Can’t wait to tell my mom, who’s very proud of her fig tree!
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